Have Questions? Our Experts Answer Your FAQ

From the very first home delivered years ago, Timber Block's team of experts have always put our homeowners first. As a person, couple or family looking to build a brand new home - whether it will be your primary residence, vacation home or rental investment, ...

A Dakota Under Construction in Texas: Hear From the Homeowner

Two years ago, Nicholas and Stephanie found the perfect piece of land to build their second home. While they may have purchased the land awhile back, they were in no hurry to build. to them, it was more important to ensure they found the right home to make the...

Back to School, Back to Designing Your Dream Home

For many families, the kids are heading back to school as early as this week! Whether you have younger children getting ready to hit the books this month, or college students ready to begin their next year, now is the time to use your free tine to kick your ne...

Determine the Cost to Build: Your Questions Answered

One of the inquiries we often receive relates to pricing. Many times, we are asked to provide a price "list" or are asked why we don't have a pricing "tab" on our website. We know people want to have a "ball park" figure to work with, but more importantly, kno...

Construction Complete!

http://blog.timberblock.com/timber-block-sustainability-home-construction Building a new home is certainly a milestone in a person's life. Whether it's your first home, a home you've always dreamed of, a second or vacation home, there's nothing like watching t...